Want To Discover The Next Fashion Trend?

Benefits of Using Pixana

Instant feedback on future fashion trends

Stronger customer loyalty through active participation

Effective market research and trend analysis

How It Works

1. Set Up Your Poll

Quickly set up your poll by uploading product images and decide if you want to offer a gift card for completing the survey. Personalize the poll to fit your brand!

2. Run Your Poll

Your poll goes live, ending automatically when the set time expires or the participant limit is reached. Track participation as it happens.

3. Analyze Results

Once your poll concludes, access the final insights. The dashboard offers a clear view of preferences and trends to guide your fashion choices.

Meet The Team


3 Brothers, One Mission

Bilal Urwani

Studying Economics; Designer

Adnan Urwani

B.Sc. Computer Science

Samy Urwani

B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

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